Friday, February 19, 2010

TRIPE TRIPE TRIPE......and other things that don't matter as much.

So I guess you've noticed that my blog updates haven't been coming in a lot anymore. But yesterday me and my friend realize what the main reason was. Within the first two weeks, we saw places and people in Florence that we'd never seen before. Experiencing experiences that we've never had before. And because of that, it had to be documented, usually with a camera and then told about in our blog because it was something new and exciting that we did. But since we've been here for almost a month, we done a lot, seen a lot, eaten a lot. It's just getting very repetitive and I don't to have to bore you with a blog that was written before.
So right now I think I'm just going to give a synopsis of what has happened to me over the past week:

Monday: So monday started off with my Italian cakes and pastries class. The assignment? Carrott Cake and some other cake I honestly don't know the name of. However, I really wasn't excited for this class because for my whole life I've hated Carrot Cake so I knew that I wouldn't want to eat it. But at the end, when it was made, I decided I have to try it because I could be missing out right?? So I tried it, and surprise surprise...i LOVED it. It was delicious. However, I heard it was nothing like the American Carrot Cake because this was not very brown or anything so I don't know. But from what I had, I loved it. We didn't put frosting on it or anything but it was still moist enough to make me satisfied. After class I went to the market. This time, I didn't accidentally spent 22$ on meat. But I did accidentally get two types of meat instead of a meat and a cheese because the butcher didn't understand me correctly. What I find funny though, is that I love going to the fresh food market because I love being around the food and thinking about what I'm going to make for myself during the week. The butcher that I always go to is my favorite person in the world there because despite the fact that he screwed up my order, he's really really nice to me. He always gives me free samples and talks ot me a lot and tries to help me out with my Italian. Probably one of the main reasons I love Mercato Centrale. The rest of my day pretty much included me cooking and then going to Italian class. Nothing to exciting for that day.

Tuesday: So my only class of Tuesday is Restaurant Management from 9-11:30am. You know how you can love your life but there's always one thing that gets in the way and makes it horrible?? Yeah, well this class is my one thing. It's 2 and a half hours of this man talking in an Italian accent, pretty much incomprehendable, and he's old and you know what exactly what that means: He talks monotone and sloooooowly. I can't handle it!!! And then we get a 20 minute break in the middle. Why? Oh, because he needs to smoke, EVERYONE needs to smoke. If you don't smoke, then you're American...that's how I think of it. But there is a small piece of that class that I like. And it's that it's actually relates to what I want to do in the future, own a restaurant (hence, restaurant management). But our final project consists of us pretty much forming our own restaurant and making the staff, and target market, location, etc and then present it to the class. And I'm very excited for this because I can use my presentation and relate it to my future. It kind of gets me excited and nervous all at the same time. After class, my roommate came to meet me and we headed to Ganzo for lunch where I had a very unfortunate lunch, for the first time ever there. Oh well. Can't always have a good meal. Weirdly enough, I can't remember what I else we did that day. Everything is always a blur. We did go and get gelato at a new place we heard of called Grom which is healthier. It was really good. I know it sounds like all we do is eat but I walk around a lot and then when I'm not, I'm eating. But I'm not always walking around to go someone so it's hard to talk about anything more than food. Later at night, I met my friend and a new kid she met and we met at this place called Joshua's Tree and it was a lot of fun. It's a very low key bar but all the staff is very nice and welcome and we just sat in there and talked for about 2 hours and then left because we had class the next morning.

Wednesday: I like this day because I don't have class until 6pm so I have the day free. This day was BEAUTIFUL too!!! It was 60 Farenheit so it was amazing! I wore a tshirt. I started off the day going food shopping and then i came back and I had heard of this 24-hour bakery you go to really really late at night and they give you very inexpensive pastries. So I decided to go search for it and see if I could find it for future reference. However, when I got to this secret location, I realized that I probably couldn't find it because I knew there was no signs for this place or anything and it also was around 2pm so clearly it was not open you so finding this door was pretty impossible. Then my plan was to go inside the Duomo because I was told that the best time to go was when it's very sunny inside so you can get amazing pictures, but of course it got really cloudy and so I couldn't go :(. However, I met my friend a restaurant she was at and I picked her up and we decided to just go walking all over Florence since we had the day free until I had my class. We walked past the Duomo and decided to go into a bunch of stores because we haven't really done a real shopping since we really haven't been into stores at all yet. We found some really good ones and some crappy stores that you can find in the United States. After about 2 hours of walking around I had to go to class. If something else happened, I can't remember. Two days is a long time ago.

Thursday: So usually Thursdays are my favorite day because I have my favorite class and then it's also my last day of the school week and it's time for the three day weekend. So I woke up and went to my favorite class, Everything Chocolate: From Therapy to Pleasure!! However, yesterday's class was very disappointing. Well first off, we made something I did not enjoy which was chocolate with fillings. The first filling was ganache, which I usually like but it was different. Apparently he put saffron in it, come on now...saffron? in a filling? doesn't not sound appetizing to me....does it sound appetizing to you??? Also, to top it off, he was in a really bad mood which was crappy because he is a really fun and exciting teacher to work with. After that class is my Culture class which, I'm sorry is the most BORING class ever!!! It's only an hour and fifteen minutes and it feels like 10 hours long. After class my friend and I wanted to get lunch and we kept seeing this stand outside on Via Macci that's ALWAYS crowded and we never knew why so we decided to go and just buy whatever they sold and just eat it. So we were waiting on line and it looked like pulled pork or something and then by the time we were almost about to order I looked at the sign and it said "Trippa" and I kept asking myself why that sounded so familiar and then I screamed "OH MY GOD! IT'S TRIPE! We're going to eat the inner lining of a cow's stomach!!!" But we decided to be brave and get it and i can't believe I'm saying it but it was one of the most delicious things I've ever eaten in my life. I actually would recommend this to anyone because it's just so delicious. After that, we decided to go back to shopping until we had to go and get ready for our four course dinner later on in the night. I ended up buying a sweater and we walked on the waay outskirts of Florence, it was kind of sketchy but oh well, I'm safe now. When we got back we took an hour nap (which was AMAZING) and then got up and got ready for the night. We went to Ganzo for a four course meal which was delicious:

Antipasti: Proscuitto wrapped Asparagus with parmesean balls and an amzing sauce.

Primi: Parmesean Risotto with some melon sauce in it to even out the strongness of the cheese and that was sooo good.

Secondi: Lamb Shank in a Balsamic Glaze with a Cauliflower and Walnut mash.

Dessert: Fruit Deep Fried Raviolis with a strawberry sauce and was INCREDIBLE!

After that we headed to a bar called Amadeus because our friend was leaving the next day for Paris and he was bartending there for his last night so we decided to go see him. When we were ther we heard about a small hole-in-the-wall bar called Blob and that we should follow a kid named Bob to get there. That may sound weird but it was just a student from London staying two months in Florence. So I met Bob who was extremely nice and all of his friends from England who were really fun to be around. We got to this bar/club and had an amazing time. I love finding new places like this...Florence just keeps surprising me. Then after, me, my friend, and Bob went ot go find this bakery again and WE FOUND IT!!! i knew I was right and when we got there, there was about 20 people waiting outside this door. But by the time they got there, they weren't giving out any more pastries, it was really sad but I shouldn't have eaten anyways, I've eaten too much lately. So we decided to go to Twice just to dance and we were there for a little while and left and headed back to our apartment later on. The day didn't start off so well but ended being amazing. Florence just keeps surprising me and I love it.

Tomorrow I'm headed to Fiesole which is a town right outside of Florence and the school is taking us excpet I have to pay about 2 Euros which isn't bad so I'm going to go. It's a very hilly area with a bunch of ruins and I hear it's very beautiful. The weekend is empty for right now because I spent a lot of money in the last two days and not on very useful things so I don't think I'm going to be doing much for the next week. Money + Foreign Country (with good food, bars, stores, and museums) = Very broke and sad Emily. :(

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