Saturday, February 27, 2010

Do I Really Have to Even Question Why I Love Italy?

So my sincerest apologies go out because I have been so lazy to write in this blog while I have actually been going out and seeing the sights. I know you are waiting to hear about adventures that I've gone through in the last couple of days. This is why I'm going to write three separate blogs. Most likely all today, about what I've done within the last three days. So I'm going to start off with Thursday: (I promise I won't bore you to death)

So out of all my days of the week, Thursday is by far my favorite, and I can say that with such enthusiasm. It starts off with Chocolate Class and I'm ALWAYS excited for chocolate class. Usually we meet in a kitchen close to my apartment but as soon as we arrived there he said that he was taking us to his chocolate store. I have been there to buy chocolate but never to be in the back where he actually makes the chocolate from scratch. Our whole class hiked the lovely 1.5 miles to his store and once we got there we were all just staring at the chocolate in the store in shock because we couldn't believe that he actually makes all of that for a living. As soon as we all walked into the back to the kitchen, our mouths dropped. Every. Single. One. There were two fountains of constantly flowing chocolate. It was like a miniature Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. One was dark chocolate and one was milk; I wanted to die. He explained to us how each one of those was tempered already so he wouldn't need to temper it himself. We then did a tasting, which is the exact reason why I don't eat any thursday morning because I know chocolate will be entering my mouth at some point during my first class. Thursdays Topic: Ganache. We literally must have tried over 10 different chocolates. Plain ganache, rosemary ganache, tangerine, pepper, 100% cacao...which is nasty by the way. We all spit that into the garbage. We even tried green mint white chocolate bars....AMAZING! We knew he sold cookies and so someone jokingly asked to have a cookie and he gave us all cookies and they were fresh and straight from the oven and thin. I love cookies with a crunch so these were perfect. Then earlier in the class we made salt chocolate again and I jokingly asked him if we could eat what we made and he said Sure!! So we all at that as well. I have never in my life been FULL yes....FULL!! from chocolate! I didn't even think that was humanly possible. So when class was over he let us take whatever we wanted so I grabbed a bag full of chocolate, and ate most of it throughout the day even though I was sooooo full. Seriously, the single BEST class I've ever had in my life!!!!

The next part of my wonderful Thursday is culture class. But that's actually my least favorite part of the day. However this past thursday we got to talk about our three day trip that we have next weekend to Sorrento, Pompei, and Capri!! I'm sooo excited for it because I want to see other parts of Italy and this class trip is free because it's a part of the program which just makes it all the better. But after class is the part of love the most.....TRIPPA! Yes, Tripe...again. Every thursday me and my friend go and get Tripe right after our culture class and we literally had our money in our hands for the last 30 minutes of our class awaiting for the time to pass. We ran to our Tripe stand and found out they ran out of bread!!! It was sooo sad however we got something else where they just put the Tripe in like a container you eat straight out of and then they gave us bread with it. Even though I think the look of it is vile, I ate the whole thing still and the bread and still enjoyed it completely. Tripe has made me love every week that much more.

After our Tripe, we went back to our apartment and knew that we needed to get out more so we decided to be complete Americans and put on sweats, sneakers, and a tshirt and walked out the door for a walk (Yes, if you dress like that you are begging to be stared at) But we went for a walk and took just our cameras and keys with us. We decided to take a trip back up to the Piazzale Di Michealangiolo again because it was a beautiful day but by the time we got up there it was getting a little bit more cloudy. Here's what we saw on our walk through Florence once again:

Everytime I go up there, it just makes me appreciate Florence that much more and to see where I've been living for the past month already. I love it up there and I have a feeling I'll be there a lot more during the next couple of months.

After we finished taking pictures there, we decided to visit the San Miniato al Monte, which is the beautiful church up the hill from the Piazza. There were a lot of steps, tombstones decorated with beautiful flowers, and the amazing church itself. I can't believe I was here all this time and had not even known about this. Even if you have trouble walking or you know you'll have to walk really slow if it's a long walk, it's completely worth it. The views are to die for and the pictures you gain out of it are unbelievable.

Later on during the night we knew we were going to go out so we started to head back to take a nap but for me I need at least an hour for a nap and i wouldn't have had time to barely take a thirty minute nap so I stayed up and started dinner for me and my two friends. We decided to do an all American meal in Italy. So I made hamburgers, potatoe chips, and vegetables. It was the most delicious meal I've made, the burger's were so juicy and potatoes so flavorful. I must say, i am definitely bringing out my cooking skills while I'm here and I love it because it gives me an opportunity to experiement. For the remainder of the night we got ready to go out and to take out my friend for the first time since she's been here .

We decided to head to Amadeus again for the night because me and my roommate love it ther eand al the people are so nice to us. So we got there and we ran into some people we knew but they were heaed somewhere else so we decided to just hang out at Amadeus for a while. Then we headed over to the Lions Fountain which I haven't been to since the pub crawl and it was a lot of fun! Our bartender was from Sweden and he was soo nice to us and we had an amazing time singing to the karaoke on the tv and just hanging out. After a while we left and went to the Red Garter where we wanted to go to the bathroom and it was flooded! like i stepped into a scene in the was disgusting!!! Then we headed over to this club Lochness, sat down, hated it, and got up and left. That's when we decided to try the secret bakery again. We got there, knocked on the door, a man answered, and said....."What would you like?" We replied with two chocolates and a cream? He said okay hold on! We were all beyond excited to actually be getting something from the infamous secret bakery!!!! They were croissants filled with chocolate! We got three for three Euros and it was totally worth it! They were fresh out of the oven and the most amazing thing we've eaten as far as dessert goes. Returning to our apartment at around 2:30am, we have to say that our night was definitely successful. When you go out with friends, that's when the true memories are made and that night, I made quite a few.

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