Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fiesole: Beautiful Panoramic Views....Nothing More.

I could compare my weekend to a potato; Starts off tasting really good with all the toppings and then you get to the bland skin and it just doesn't satisfy you anymore.

Since I already told you about my night at Amadeus and Blob in my previous blog, I'm going to skip ahead to Friday. You may all kill me for doing this but Friday I did nothing. Absolutely zip. Me and two of my roommates decided to make that day our laziest day since we've been in Florence. We stayed in our pajamas, watched movies, hulu, and read while eating our brains out. It was quite a lovely day if you ask me. But the main reason we stayed in that day was because when we woke up, it was pouring outside and it's just one of those days where you say to yourself, "Why go outside when you can be warm in your PJs and do nothing?" So that is exactly what we did. It was actually quite horrible and we felt incredibly guilty about it but oh well, it had to be done.

Saturday was a little bit more exciting because me and my roommate went on a trip to Fiesole which is a town about five miles outside of Florence. You depart from the Piazza San Marco, hop on the Number 7 bus and take it all the way up to Fiesole. The bus tickets are 1.20 Euros for one way so it was not that bad at all. This town is very small and is known for their ampitheater which holds many concerts during the springtime. However, since it's not that time of year, we went to go see the beautiful views it had to offer. This town gives you one of the best panormic views of Florence you will ever see. Here is some of what this place had to offer:

It was truly unbelievable. Although it was cloudy and kind of raining, it didn't stop me from taking astonishing photos. But let me tell you! If you can't walk up hills, forget about it! I almost died! These hils aren't very far up but the angle at which these hills sit is ridiculous!!!! I felt liek I was climing a completely vertical line. My legs were burning. There were girls there wearing high heels and walking up this hill. Let me tell you, I was waiting for one of them to fall over. I didn't get lucky that time but I know that someone had to have fallen down that hill at least once. But in all seriousness, once you get to the top of that hill, you won't regret a single muscle you pulled getting there.

After we saw the views of all of Florence, we were taken to a Roman Church that still exists today (although I highly doubt many people go with the height of those hills) It was very cool; very small and quiet and we even got to see the convent on the top. My clothes wouldn't fit in the size of one of those rooms.....just saying. And of course...we had to walk up ANOTHER hill to get to this church.
After we finished touring the church, we went to a market which was sooo small, there was nothing there and then they gave us free food. Probably my favorite part. Shocker, right? So then they gave us the option to either head back to Florence with them or stay and wander and take a bus later on in the day back to Florence. Me and my friend took the option of staying for a longer period of time and just coming back later on. We couldn't find much but we ran into one of the women from the school who took us and we asked her if there was anything else to do in Fiesole other than see the view. She blatantly told us....No. So that was pretty much our cue to leae and go back to Florence. Fiesole is beautiful and definitely worth seeing so if you need a quick day trip, I highly suggest going there.
When we arrived back in Florence we decided to get Tripe again!!! Thsi time the bread was better but the seasoning wasn't that great and ti was sooo messy, I got it everywhere. Even my jacket. :( After that we got dressed for the night and went out and I didn't get back until probably 4:30am. It was a looong night filled with drama and people and much more that isn't worth talking about. But I came back and talked to my roommate for a long time and Oovoo'd with some friends that I wanted to talk to. It was a lot of fun but then it was time for bed. :)
I think so far my week has been pretty good, yesterday I made an AMAZING chocolate molten cake that I ate the whooole thing and coudl probably eat about 10 more. We also made a cake that called for 450g of Starch! If we were smart we would've realized that, that much starch makes a cake a weapon. But we did it anyway and it was impossible to pick up with one hand because it was THAT heavy. But since we put melted chocolate on it, of course it became delicious despite the fact that it was like a brick was sitting inside of my stomach. The bad news is that I bought a ticket for the Florentina vs. AC Milan soccer game tomorrow and my Italian teacher won't let me go to it because I have a 10 minutes quiz. It's the only soccer game I can attend during my whoel time in Florence and a stupid quiz is now not allowing me to attend. I hae the ticket, I can't get the refund or anything. I guess this is one of the many reasons I don't like school. But what am I to do right? Oh well....maybe it'll get reschedules for some obscure reason. After that happened, my mood pretty much decreased about 60%. I'm trying ot make it go back up by buying myself small things like boots and gelato. :D
....I think the only thing I'm really looking forward to are my tentative weekend plans with Maria and Tripe again on Thursday!!!!

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