Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm Not Going to Die...I'm Not Going to Die

Once again I apologize for the delay but here is the last blog about the weekend. Saturday was quite the day, let me tell you:

It all started off with me and my roommate meeting my friend at Ganzo for their infamous brunch. If I have a free saturday morning, you will find me at their brunches. It's set up as a buffet with such high quality food and then they'll make you eggs if you ask and it's all just so delicious. But the only problem with it is that they tell you that you HAVE to finish the food on your plate. You are really not allowed to leave any food leftover because they dont' want anything to go to waste. So I pretty much ate my brains out and was beyooond full but it was the most delicious meal I've had and I loved it so I didn't regret any of it. After brunch, we had to decide what we wanted to do for the remainder of the day. The Duomo is one of those sights that you need to see when it's sunny out, otherwise the sites arn't as worthwhile.

Me and my two friends were standing on line to enter the Duomo but we wanted to the do the one where you walk up all the steps to get the amazing view of Florence and one of my friends said it was the Campinile Tower (aka Giotti's Bell Tower) right next to the Duomo, so we got off line and then headed over to the tower. We paid 6 Euros to walk 413 steps up this building to the right -->.

About a quarter of the way up, I was dying. I couldn't move anymore. My legs were throbbing, I was panting my brains out, couldn't have been a clearer way to say, "Hey Emily, you're really out of shape." But the stairs were really steep and there were a lot of them, and the hallways were sooo thin. An elevator would've been so much more convenient. Just saying.

But about 10 minutes later, and a lot of panting, sweating, and climbing, we all made it to the top and the views that we were able to see were INCREDIBLE. It beats the Piazzale di Michiangiolo by a landslide. For some reason though, the sights I saw remninded me of Willy Wonka...I'm not sure why, but maybe one of you will see what i mean. But just admire these views. If you go to Florence, this is something you should not even consider missing. Pay those six euros, climb your brains out, and go see the sights it has to offer for those who successfully made it to the top.

We were probably up there for almost an hour. When you see the views, it's just that you never want to leave. The weather was beautiful, the views were spectacular, it really makes you think. We all started talking about just how surreal it still is, even after a month to be living in Florence for a semester. Think about it, who REALLY has the opportunity to do this. It's a once in a lifetime chance, and us three go to live it. Already we started talkinga about studying abroad again next year, but who really knows what will happen. For a while though, we all just separated on the rooftop and continued to look out into the distance. My mind kept wandering about life and what I want to do once I graduate and how lucky I am to get to study in such an amazing city to help me determine where my future can take me. I've been here a month and so many doors have opened for me.
After we all left the Campinile Towers, we decided to go back and decided us three would go out for the night again to our popular bar, Amadeus. We all got dressed up and went over there to see our favorite people once again. They love us there. That's one tip I have to give. Find YOUR bar/club. The place that you always go to, make friends with the workers there, and make memories and close friends. We love being there because everyone knows us and they treat us incredibly well every single time. I wish I could remember my whole night, but that just means I had a good night right? Hahaha. I love the weekends because they are always filled with adventure and surprises.
This coming weekend, with my culture class I'm going on a free trip to Sorrento, Capri, Napoli, and Pompei.....I wonder what surprises are going to come then? I guess there's only one way to find out....

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