Thursday, March 11, 2010

This Week Would Be Above and Beyond if it Wasn't for This Weather

Why Florence why? I simply don't get it. Last week, I was wearing a tshirt and taking a six mile walk in the mountains surrounding Firenze. This week? I'm carrying an umbrella 4 out of the 5 days this week because it's 31 degrees and snowing!!!! Seriously?? Snowing? in Florence? In March? Not okay. Not okay at all.
Monday was just a normal day of classes so i'm going to skip that because nothing exciting happened that's worth me writing and you reading about. I just made cake with a pastry cream and jam. But tuesday was a fun day. After going for Ganzo after my restaurant management class I recieved a phone call from my relatives Ronni and Ernie! Ernie is my mom's cousin. They asked if me and my roommate would like to go out to dinner with them that night and we agreed ver yhappily since I never get to see these relatives often. So around 7pm, we meet up with them at their hotel near San Lorenzo and Mercato Centrale. They told us that their concierge recommended a Trattoria that is inbetween their hotel and our apartment. So after getting lost, we finally find the Trattoria and go inside. We get there around 7pm. Keep in mind, it's Italy. People don't eat dinner here until at least 9pm. So if you are coming to Itly anytime soon, just get used to that, it's their way of life.
We order two appetizers, 2 bottles of wine, bread, we all get meals for ourselves with sides, and then every single one of us got a dessert. I got tiramisu and oh my god was it INCREDIBLE! Last thing i knew, it was 10:30pm! We were there for three and a half hours. Just talking. Do you ever have one of those conversations where you just talk and talk and don't realize the ti and when you finally look at your watch, it's hours past when you got there? That's what this was. We talked about EVERTHING! From traveling, to school to food. Anything you could think of. For that whole dinner, I thought I was in America because my relatives were with me and we were talking English constantly. It was so nice to see people in my family, in the city that I'm living in for four months. It was very comforting, and I loved it.
Wednesday was a very strange day. I met my friend at Ganzo for lunch again and got ribs!!! AMAZING as well. The service at Ganzo that day was horrible and it kind of put me in a bad mood. But it was sunny while walking there so I didn't feel too awful until I left Ganzo and it was raining. Shocker right? So after that I seriously can't remember what I did. It's horrible. My memory is just disappearing constantly. My memories of Florence are fading away and I'm not liking that very much. But at 6pm I went to my Italian class and learned definite articles (yeah, I know this is so interesting to you which is why I'm moving on)
Later last night I had to meet Massi. Who is Massi? Well, let me tell you. In the beginning of the year, I signed of for a conversation exchange which is where the school sets you up with an Italian native and you are supposed to converse for one hour. Half an hour in Italian and half an hour in English. Well, on my application, I put intermediate because I'min intermediate italian class so I figured that was accurate. Well boy was I wrong! This guy knew more english than I did Italian. Also, it was really awkward. I mean, he bought me a drink, which was very nice of him and polite. And we talked and he tried to hard ot make me feel comfortable with my Italian but then would laugh at how horrible I was. There are days when I think I'm on top of my game with Italian and let me tell you, Massi made me fall down in failure. Halfway through the conversation kept pausing and getting a little awkward so I texted my roommate to come meet me to "go out". When she got there she sat down with us and talked to the both of us. Then all of a sudden, for the first time, we witnessed something happen. We watched a bar fight. With girls! They were grabbing each other's hair and one fell into the table and fell on the ground. That's when the bouncer came in and took control and kicked the girl who started it out of the bar. It was definitely a frightening sight to see that fights like those exist, even in Florence, and really in real life. That was our cue to leave the bar and go back to our apartment. I said goodbye to my partner and went on my way.
Today is an AWESOME day. Why is that? Because my parents and sister are in Firenze!!!! They arrived at around 2pm and I have been with them since. It was sooo good to see them because they are such a huge portion of my life and now they get to experience Florence with me; with my new home. However, it was freezing today! It must be at least 30 degrees. We went for Tripe but of course when we get there, it's closed!!! Ugh! the horror! and we walked a mile and a half to get there. But they were starving so we go paninis and pizzas instead and I bought them chocolate from my teacher's store. Then we continued to walk back to my apartment because every part of every single one of our bodies was freezing!! We got back into the apartment and talked for a little and then I let them go back to their hotel now and rest a little.
Tonight I'm taking my sister out to my favorite winebar for an amazing meal and some wine (of course, it's a winebar). Then tomorrow I have to get up at 4am!!!! to be at a bus by 5:15am for another school trip, day trip thankfully, to Parma, the land of the cheese!!! Oh man, being a cheese-lover, I cannot wait! :D . When I return back at night, hopefully my family will be back from their day trip to Venice and I am taking my dad out for a beer, you know, because it's legal for me to do that. Saturday I'm finally going to the Uffizi and then shopping day with my mom and that's always a good day!! and then my friend Chris arrives with one of his friends and I'm very very very excited to finally see someone from college back home. This weekend/week is just getting better and better and I cannot seriously wait to do everythign with them.
I probably won't update this until next week because I want to spend time with family, but we'll see. I'm always full of surprises ;)
And so this blog ends......Buona Notte.

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