Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Whoever Thought that Students Could Study While Being Abroad is Completely Delusional

So not only was my weekend full of excitement because of the arrival of my parents and sister, but my friends from school back home came for a visit as well. But not only that, but my weekend was full of complete and utter disaster. Lets begin with Saturday shall we? In the morning, me, my roommate, and my family went to the Uffizi Gallery (Finally!) It was really cool. However, I've never seen so many Jesus' in my life! It was a little crazy but I definitely had a good time in there with everyone. After, we continued to go to our favorite meal in Florence, Ganzo brunch! We got there extra early waiting for a table, got in, sat down, and stuffed our faces like usual. It was delicious again. Wasn't expecting anything less. Then my friends were supposed to arrive at my apartment at 3pm and so I went to the market with my parents and bought food so that we could cook our asparagus risotto for dinner for all of us. The nI recieved the one phone call i wished to never recieve and you guessed it, it was my friend from home. He was stuck inside of Frankfurt, Germany airport! and get this....his luggage? Nowhere to be found and it contained a camera, his mac laptop and all of his clothes and toiletries. It was horrible. Finally the other guest showed up at my apartment around 8 while the other friend showed up around 9:30.
Our plan for the night was to go out but they couldn't because they were exhausted so we decided to just go out by ourselves, me and my roommate. We of course hit up Amadeus to begin our night and see our friend Harry play the cello in this very funky band. The music was weird but we ended up having the best time dancing and singing. Then later on, we wanted to dance and go somewhere new so we decided to go to TwentyOne which we rarely go to because it costs money to check your coat and it's crowded a lot. But Saturday it wasn't. We got to check our coats for free because we knew the guy doing it and it wasn't crowded at all. While standing around the bar, I met the nicest bartender named Maurizio. I wouldn't leave the bar because I wanted to talk to him so I continuously bought drinks just to talk. And yes I did realize I couldn't just stood there and talked but it was more fun ordering drinks while talking to him. Later in the night we ran into some friends from school and we decided to stay the night in their apartment so that we could give our guests comfortable sleeping quarters after their dreadful travels.
Sunday, I decided to go to Boboli Gardens again with my parents and it was even more beautiful. We walked around for hours with the sun shining in our faces. I've decided to get a pass where I can go anytime I want so that when it's sunny out, I'm going to go there with a blanket and a book and just lay in the sun. I think it's a pretty brilliant plan. Basking in the sun while reading a good book? Can't really get much better than that. After that I went home to attempt to start studying for midterms. I can't really remember what I did the remainder of the day, but I'm pretty sure I didn't actually study on account that I didnt' do very well on that midterm.

But now we're getting back to tonight and it is my last night of studying for my dreadful midterm. Everyone thinks that I'm so lucky becuase I get no homework and I'm always traveling etc etc, and yes that is a high point in my travel abroad adventures. However, the only two major aspects of your class are your final and midterm, maybe a paper depending on the class. But these midterms, are HORRIBLE! My first midterm was on Cakes and Tarts and I've never had to think so hard about almonds in my entire life. Almonds, if you're listening.....i hate you. But I have to blame that failure partially on myself because I thought it would be easy and I definitely underestimated the difficulty that test could be.

For the remainder of the night I decided to just sit down and study for my tuesday exam because I became very frightened after that first test. Luckily, tuesday, I did a lot better on my exam that I was expected which definitely got my hopes up. After, I went to Ganzo for lunch with my roommate and got a pork terrine and then a salmon salad which were both amazing as usual. After we decided to meet up with our friends from school and the first place we went was to get our refund for one of our trips. Thankfully we got it and at the same time more good friends bags? Was located!!! With all of his stuff included inside. Where was his luggage this whole time? Africa! His baggage has been more international than the kid himself. We found it quite amusing. Then we decided to walk around San Lorenzo Market for a while and look for stuff/souveniers, etc. Then we went to Grom, one of the most delicious gelato places in Florence. This is a must go to shop. It's right off the street from the Duomo on a road called Via D'Oche. It's soooo good!!! Best flavor? Crema de Grom. I don't know what's in it, but there is some sort of cookie in there somwewhere.
Later in the night, my cousin was in Florence with a bunch of her friends so she asked that I take them around the city to all the bars and clubs so that they could get a feel of the nightlife. Of course I agreed so I took them, me, my roommate, and my friends from school out. Of course starting from Amadeus, we recieved free drinks, then headed to Blob, Twice, Red Garter, then back to Twice. It was soooo much fun. We even made it to the secret bakery again! We are just that good I was even getting asked by a bunch of strangers where it was because they knew I knew where it was located. I felt special. Probably because for about 5 minutes I acutally was special. :D

Then today of course I didn't go to bed until around 3 am so I woke up around 11:15 and met my parents at 12:15 so that I could finally introduce them to Tripe!!!!! They liked it but couldnt' get over the fact that it was cow's stomach but by the end of it I know that they truly loved it as much as I do. After that we continued to walk around a little bit but I had a midterm later around 6pm so I knew I had to go back and study which is what I did around 3pm. That midterm was Italian and it actually wasn't that bad considering it was 100 questions and it took me 35-40 minutes only to complete it. After that exam, I met my family and roommate and went out to dinner at a restaurant my cousins recommended called Frencesco Vini and it was DELICIOUS! Everything from the antipasti to the primi to the amazing chocoalte mousse and tiramisu dessert was extroadinary. It was definitely a good ending to the visit from my family. Walking back to my apartment I said my final goodbyes to my family which was very sad and went on my way, back to my apartment to study for my two biggest exams, chocolate and culture. I've decided o stay up late and get up early to get in some last minute cramming (You can see how well that's going considering I'm writing in this blog right now) It is Saint Patrick's Day, I know, and I should be going out getting a green beer like everyone else in Florence but I sadly missed out on that. So unfortunatlely no pictures of a green beer and/or shot. You will just have to use your imagination. I better get A's on these midterms if I missed out on such huge parties tonight at every single club and pub in this city.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the best week ever: SPRING BREAK 2010!!!!! Tomorrow at 10pm Florence time, I leave on a 10 hour bus ride to Prague which is where our adventures will start. Then from Prague to Berlin to Amsterdam and lastly Paris before heading back to Florence. I can tell that this is going to be the single BEST spring break ever! and I can't wait! I can't wait to come back and tell you all about it! It's definitely going to be the most unbelievalbe experience of my life and I just want it to start. Only 20 hours to go! Let the countdown begin!

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