Monday, April 26, 2010


Okay, so remember way back when, when I explained how Greece was the single best experience of my life and I wanted to go back? Yeah, well I take all of that back. Replace the word Greece with Munich, Germany and you've completed the correct sentence.

Munich = Most Unbelievable Time Ever!!!

Thursday, 7pm: The trip was supposedly supposed to begin. We were supposed to meet Euroadventures at the train station by 7:15pm. However, we get there and of course we get the lovely phrase we all want to hear, "The bus' air conditioning broke down, so we are waiting for another bus to come in about 30 minutes" Bummed, we are just leaving it alone and listen to music until thirty minutes passes and we recieve another message saying that we need a second bus so it will be another 30 minutes. Here's the thing, we chose this company because they told us that we would leave by 7, arrive at the hostel by 3a and then we could sleep so we'd be awake for the next day and ready to go. What happened instead? We leave at 8:30, make 5 stops on the way, for god only knows why, and arrive at the hostel at 6am the next morning, only getting 3 hours of sleep. I guess 3 hours is better than none right?

Friday, 9am: We arise from our three hours of sleep, and eat breakfast at the hostel and leave for our 11am bike tour at 11:45am, yeah that makes so much sense right? We arrive at the location for our bike tour. But before we started this 4 hour bike tour, we had to watch this clock strike 12 and watch the lovely plastic figures spin round and round and round. Then after watching, losing brain cells, and wasting away 20 minutes of our life, the 4 hour tour became a 2 hour tour. I guess the word punctual doesn't exist in Germany.

Eventually, we got to get onto these California Cruisers and ride our bikes all around Munich and do a tour. It was a lot of fun because most of the people forgot how to ride a bike, so I guess it was more fun for me than them. Oh, but the tour itself was fun too. We got to see surfing in the river, nudist park, and many places that were significant in the war. But the best part? The beer garden! There are tables everywhere, and then you go to the back and order food which doesn't come in small portions. So all you dieters, forget about low-carbs and not drinking because you do both in this spot. (No, this is not beerfest yet. Just some place in the middle of the city). As you enjoy your liter or half a liter of beer, you eat your food and listen to live German music. It makes you feel very lively and you leave with a giant smile on your face. (However, that could be the affect of the beer that you just consumed) And trust me, the bike ride back is a lot more fun if you catch my drift. ;). On the way back we stopped and saw surfers. No, not surfers on oceans, but in streams! There were these 5 guys that had surfboard and there was a very rough current that always comes through at the same point in this river/stream. So they all jump in it and surf until that get pulled back and then they swim to the side and continue to do it again. I wanted to jump in there so back, but you know....I didn't want to show any of those guys up.

Friday, 6pm: My friend and I get ready and head to the main event of the weekend, BEERFEST!!!!! We arrive there and see that beerfest is a carnival and then there are these two huge tents. We heard that one tent is for more of the intense Germans and the other tent is for the crazy partiers you like to sing and dance and go crazy. So clearly we headed towards that tent. But before we went on, we ran into our roommates from Florence and decided to go on this spinning ride twice before we drank (smart idea; don't ever do it after). After acting like a 5 year old screaming at the top of our lungs on this ride we headed for the tent. When I reached the tent, my friend walked in and I followed after and I got stopped by security but didn't understand why. Get this....i got ID'd!!!!!!!!!! This would be reasonable if the drinking age was 21 like back in the states, but in Germany it's 16!! I'm almost four years older than that and they still wouldn't let me into this tent. But I was not going to let this ruin my night so I had my friend and I run back to our hostel, I grabbed my ID and ran back to ths tent. Thankfully, the second time around, I was let in and I knew it was time to start taking down some beers.

Friday, 7:45pm: We enter the festivities known as Beerfest! Now let me explain to you this tent. You think craziness. Think 150 times that and you will have beerfest. Hundreds upon hundreds of tables, massive barrels of beer coming into the room every hour if not sooner, women and men dressed up carrying up to 12 liters of beer to the tables, people dancing on top of the benches to the live German music being played at the front of the tent, glasses breaking, people screaming, people cheering. All for the main purpose that it's Beerfest. And this happens every. single. night. So me and my four roommates from back in Florence go right to the front of this tent and stand there until we see an open table or at least a bench to stand on. We all grab our first liters of the night and take them down pretty quickly. Continuing on, we buy our second liter and then start walking around. The first table in front of us had a bunch of guys on in and there was an open spot and they invited us to join them on the bench to dance so I agreed and got up there and screamed my heart out to all the German songs (No, i didn't know any of the words. I just used that old trick where you continuously say apple, orange and it looks like you know what you're saying) Throughout that whole night I met amazing people from places such as right there in Munich and even Russia. Everyone was so nice offering us drinks of their beers and dancing with us and just having a good time posing for photos and having an amazing time with our liters upon liters of beer. Beerfest starts at around 11am and ends at 11pm. We all stayed until the last song was played and then we headed out back to our hostel. 4 guys from our table offered to walk back with us so we did and we had a fun conversation about sports was quite random but very entertaining. After that night, I knew that Munich was by far my favorite place and could not wait until the following night.

Saturday, 9am: I think we can all happily say that I did not wake up all ready to go that morning. But I got up anyways and got ready because there was a field trip to Dachau, the concentration camp in Munich. I would honestly prefer not to talk about it nor will i put photos up of it because it was really hard on me but let me say this: Going here is the most life-changing experience you will ever have. There was not one time where I could look someone in the face and give them a smile. It was so hard on me to even think about it knowing that I had family go through this. If I were you, make sure you get there sometime, somehow and you will know exactly what I mean.

Saturday, 2pm: We arrive back in the city and have some time to spare before going back for a second round of Beerfest so me and my friend decide to wander the city and pick up our souveniers and get some lunch. So, for the first time ever, since I've been home, for lunch, my friend and I got............sushi!!!!!!!!! Let me just say, despite the fact that it wasn't the most unbelievable sushi compared the one at home, it was definitely delicious pretty much for the reason that it was the first time I've bitten into a piece of sushi since mid-January. After our meal, we headed back to the hostel but we wanted to stop in a store to see if we could get outfits for the night. You know, those ridiculous beerlady costumes. Well, after trying on about 12 different ones, we bought them! We couldn't have been more excited to put them on for Beerfest and then we realized we could wear them for Halloween too. So double usage! Good thinking..I know.

Saturday, 5:30pm: We arrive back at BEERFEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are in the tents and luckily it wasn't as hectic as the first night but that is pretty much because we got there earlier. We got our first round of liters and then grabbed a table where our group of about 7 people were joined by a bunch of creepers. Clearly we kicked them out. Then, there was this man, who was awesome!! He was a lot older but he kept buying rounds for all of us and you know what that means......FREE BEER!!! :) So the whole night, i had three liters and only paid for one. Yep, that's living the good life. After screaming and dancing and drinking some more, around 11pm, once again, we all leave to go back to the hostel. I was wiped out so I went straight to bed and it felt great, let me tell you.

Sunday, 9am: Our last day in Munich. Couldn't get much sadder than that. We were all miserable. None of us wanted to go back to reality. We wanted to continue to experience Beerfest for at least another night but that was out of the question. :( So everyone in our group got onto the bus and made our way to Austria to go and see the castle that inspired the Disneyland Castle. I didn't understand what it really could look like but seriously, it looked JUST like the Disneyland Castle. It was unbelievable. This castle was huge! and the view was just incredible. We got to walk all over the place and look off of a very high bridge and admire the views that it had to offer.

Sunday, 3:30pm: We headed back to the buses and went on our way on our 9 hour journey back to Florence. After watching 6 movies, stopping about 2 times, and some uncomfortable sleeping, we arrived. As we walked back to our apartment, all we could do was reminisce about the most amazing and urealistic time we experienced back in Germany. If you were considering going there, do it. You will never ever regret it.

I think I might be there for Oktoberfest.....

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