Saturday, January 30, 2010

Firenze. Part Due

Keeping this blog is a lot harder than I had anticipated because I'm so busy here. But I left off on thursday afternoon. After I had failed looking for that bank, i made my way back to my apartment. When I got back I noticed that all of my roommates were taking a nap. I didn't blame them; it was a tiring day. I knew that I had a lot of emails to write and some little things to do so I sat in my freezing kitchen, like the rest of the apartment, and got as much email writing done as possible. Speaking of freezing though, I found out that if it's winter outside than it's winter inside, which pretty much means, heat does not exist and dont' even bother trying to find any. So as I'm writing this blog, I'm wearing two sweatshirts. During my lonely writing session the long day started to get to me as I began to fall asleep. That's when I decided to take a nap with the rest of my roommates. We all had to attend another meeting at 6:30 on a street off from the Duomo, so I set my alarm and went straight to bed. When me and my roommate's alarm went off, we could not even move a muscle and get out of bed, so for the next ten minutes we sat in bed groaning and moaning until time made us get up. at aroudn 6pm, me and all my roommates left to head towards that meeting. They had no idea how to get there, luckily I looked at a map earlier and knew exactly the location so I led the way. On the way over we saw so many gelato shops and decided to have that for dinner because it looked so delicious but we would pick it up after the meeting. Around 7:30pm, the meeting was over and all of us headed over to the gelatteria to get our gelatos. I got chocolate chip and tiramisu. It was the single most delicious dessert I've ever had! I got it in a cup, but you have the option of getting the gelato in a waffle and if you get a cup, they stick a piece of waffle in your cup and it was so sweet and so soft, it was like taking a bite out of heaven. ITALY TIP: Gelato's cost around 2 or 3 Euro. NOT 8 Euro, which we didn't know until after we bought it. Oh was still delicous. :) On the way back to our apartment, I stopped at a bank where withdrawal of money did not also take out a fee. I was soo lucky to find this bank because the atm charges a lot of money to take out any amount. Yesterday, we had orientation once again and we had to fill out all this paperwork to send off to show that we are staying in the country for a specific amount of months. Before I continue, let me say that yesterday, I had on a pedometer to see how much me and my friend would walk. Anyway, I had forgotten to make a photocopy of the single smallest stamp on a piece of paper so I had to run 3 blocks to a store, pay 10 euro cents and run back to return all my paperwork before the office closed. When that was over, me and Brittany went to la Piazza Santa Croce and took a bunch of pictures and then started to head over to the Fun for Florence Office. On the way, we passed this cute little cafe and we saw panini's in the window of a store called Caffe Verdi, so we decided to stop and get some lunch. We both got a ricotta, spinach, and proscuitto panini. Most amazing thing ever! The owner's were so cute; an elderly man and woman, I'm not sure if they were a couple though. After we finished, we continued on to the Fun for Florence office and paid for our ticket to go to Venice next week for the huge Carnivale they have every year. The man that was helping us also works at a club that we happened to be going to that night and he said he would give us free coat check and we both thought that was very sweet of him. The last item on my list for that day was to rent a hairdryer. Yes, rent a hairdryer. Strangely enough, this store was the single coolest store I had been to so far. The lights in there that this man sold were outrageous and very funky, very my style. We bought a hairdryer which he told us would could sell back when we were done so we were estatic about that. Around 3:45, we arrived back at our apartment and just hung out until our walking tour for school. We were shown all of the buildings where we could have classes. Honestly, I found it very boring and pointless, but it was time something to do and added more miles to my pedometer. The amount of miles I walked that day with my friend? 10.5! Miles! It was ridiculous. but by the end of the was like around 14 miles. I can't feel my feet at all right now. By the time that was finished, at 6:30, everyone had to get ready to go to Space Discoteca, the biggest dance club in Firenze for a orientation party from 7:30-9:30. We recieved free drinks (which were horrible), food, and music. Earlier I mentioned club twentyone which was throwing a huge party for the beginning of the semester, but you couldn't get there until around 12am at the earliest. It wasn't too far away so my friend and I walked there but it got very very crowded and clostrophobic. I think every single student from any school was there last night. It was crazy so I left pretty early. Twentyone would definitely be more fun without hundreds of people on top of each other. But that's just my opinion. It's only five days into it and I've done so much and will continue to write more on my adventures in Firenze! :D

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